Learning Mastery

 I wasted so much time this year when it came to the requirements in the I Ho Chuan. However, I believe there is one requirement that is the most important. That requirement is Mastery by Stewart Emery. I recently started this assignment a few weeks ago, and it has changed my outlook and attitude on everything for the better. It also is not a hard or difficult assignment to start. For me I just read one extra sentence a day and repeated those sentences out loud until I memorized it. And in doing that you will subconsciously think about mastery and the meaning behind the words. Without even knowing I was doing it, I removed some mediocrity habits and replaced them with productive habits. As a tip to anyone worrying about this assignment, don’t. It’s not hard, you are making it harder on yourself by not starting. This assignment should be the first written assignment you start and should start day one. Not meaning next year. Day one of today. 


P/ups: 31573

S/ups: 33169

Forms: 400/437

Sparring: 389

AoK: 830

1609km: 769.52

Mastery: 3/4 


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