Street Situation
Last Saturday after a night out with my friends we had a little run in on the street. We were walking back to our car north on Calgary Trail just coming up to Hudson’s Pub. Infront of us was a man who I presumed was homeless based on his profile. I didn’t think much of it when we started to walk out pace infront of us. However he turned around and started talking randomly and encroaching on me and my friends. I put myself between my friends and this man as I was the only man in our group of five that night. This man had a pipe (less than 4 inches long) of either plastic or glass. He was close enough to where I knew it wasn’t sharpe, it was just blunt. Was we all kept walking he kept close infront of me walking backwards. I asked “if I give you $5 will you leave us alone”?, he replied “I don’t need your ****** money”. It was pretty clear than he was just trying to cause trouble with our group. As we kept walking he than started stepping into my path and getting closer, like he wanted to step in for an attack and would fake a punch every so often. His arms were always down though and I knew I was still out of his reach. After he did that a couple times I said “I wouldn’t do that again if I was you”, he than stepped back a little more as we were all walking. My friends who were still behind me than ran across the street to get away from this man, I however stayed. I saw two separate women walking down the street towards me and the homeless man, I knew he would probably try to attack one of the women, which is why I stayed on the same side. I made the decision in my mind, “If he attacks one of these women I have ability to end the situation and will suffer the consequences if necessary”. He did not attack any of the women after he saw that I was still on the same side of the street. He than walked away into alie (I don’t know the exact spelling) where I than rejoined my friends.
P/ups: 20750
S/ups: 20350
Forms: 321/346
Sparring: 336
AoK: 624
1609km: 525.00
Mastery 0
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