If I was to start over

 Us candidates have been told the tentative grading day. Am I nervous? Oh you know it! Deadlines for assignments, demonstrations to create, brings me back to the days of homework. But it’s not homework, it’s the responsibilities I must fulfill to help me in this grading year. And convince the grading board that I’ve earned the responsibility of becoming a black belt. If I was to go back in time, day one of this year. Here is what I would do now, knowing how much I’ve missed out on. First things first, book a one on one at least one a week, that gives me nearly 52 one on ones at the least. Second, push through the mental fog and complete the daily tasks for my numbers. And third, I would right this same blog again but with an even better plan at the end of every year. Because you and the environment you are in will never be perfect the first time, and any time after that. 


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