Can’t do it Alone

We can’t succeed in our lives alone, it’s impossible, no matter what you might be thinking we as humans cannot do anything 100% alone. Especially when it comes to anything related to the martial arts, who going to teach you? Even if you were “self taught” someone had to create the resources you had used to teach yourself. I cannot achieve my martial arts goals on my own, I need partners, mentors, and a buddy on the team. These are just some of the reason why, and that is just for the martial arts. If I wanted to list every reason in our life outside of the martial arts why we can’t succeed alone, than I’d write the list for the rest of my life. Some of us prefer to be more isolated than others, we don’t like to ask for help but like when the help comes to us (I’m one of those people). If your wanting a promotion at work, how do you get it? Let’s say you have a team of representatives, and you want the promotion to the best lead role. You will need to do x amount of work and effort, and build your replacement from a member of your team. You cannot get the promotion unless someone from your team also wants a promotion as your replacement! Do you see how complicated it can be to actually do something completely alone? I can’t thing of a way how to do that, and I’m glad I can’t or else I’d never grow my character and mind. And neither could anyone else. 


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