What is a black belt?

 Earning a black belt is one of the highest awards you can earn as a martial artist. But what makes a black belt? What is that makes you earn that award? There are the basics, kind, caring, compassionate, smart, physically able, and mentally able. Than there are the more complex aspects; doesn’t fold under pressure, brings the confidence of those around them up, keeps those around them responsible, never wants to see others suffer, encourages those to keep pushing through the ugly and dangerous. A black belt will walk into the wall of fire, not run away, a black belt will volunteer for those in need and not look down on those in need. They will overcome the mediocrity, and adversity. That doesn’t mean it will get the best of them, it will. But a black belt immediately recognizes this and stops it. Reversing the downside to start an upside that will go higher than last months, says, or years. Will this view change for me? Yes, nothing will be removed, only more will be added as I grow as a martial artist striving towards one of the highest levels anyone can accomplish as a martial artist.  


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