I have read alot of books this year, more than I probably have before in my entire life outside of school. I don’t read story books, I read books that I find will help me grow as a person, help me grow my business, and help me make better connections with the people most important to me. Here is a quick list of all the books I have read so far since Chinese new years. $100 Million Offers, $100 Million Leads, Everything is ******, To Think and Grow Rich, The Art of War, The Motive, Your Next 5 Moves. I am currently reading “How to Sell Your Way Through Life” by Napoleon Hill. Because I struggle to focus when only reading I also listen to the audio book at the same time; that way it blocks out all my sensory input from distractions. This so the only way I try to read my books as I know I can read longer, intake more information, and stay on track with reading my books daily. I made it my goal to read 15 books this year that will help me grow as a person. I am close to over halfway now!
Have you read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance yet? You need to if you want to grade.