
    Tonight at our meeting we discused going into our kung fu with a purpose. This resonated with me a lot since (like all of us) we show up to class with a purpose and sometimes without one. Than no more than 10 seconds later after Sifu finsihed speaking I remembered a quote from Napoleon Hill, "If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance". I compared this to my monetary desire and my kung fu desire, what I found out was terrifying. They are the same, just a difference currency. The monetary desire deals in a bank balance of money, my kung fu desire is a bank balance full of knowledge. Both are used in transactions during different scenarios. Now I found that my purpose when I come to class is to feed my desire of growing my kung fu knowledge bank. 


P/up - 4145

S/up - 3480

Forms -  30/25

Sparring - 52

1609km - 64.35km

AoK - 135

Mastery - 0


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