100th blog

 Well I thought this would never happen. I guess when you are blogging 3 times a week for a year it’s going to happen at some point. Blogging was by far the worst part of the I Ho Chuan when I started. I used to never blog, go months without posting and not really stress about it. However, after blogging consistently this year I’ve noticed just how important it is. I’m not a very detailed person in my blogs. I just post what I’m thinking in the moment, it’s just how I operate when I’m writing. I am right to the point and simple as possible, and it helps. Some of us can put a lot of detail and philosophy behind their blogs, not me, it’s not my style of blogging. When you consistently blog, you will begin to consistently train, self improve and build yourself up. You start to get into a rhythm of training, at least that is what I have noticed.


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