Offer From Bucerias

  What is it we offer to our studies in the martial arts? We offer our time, effort, health, risk of injury, but what esle do YOU offer. Maybe you offer yourself to be a volunteer, instructor, and someones partner during class. Have you thought of offering yourself to learn, kindess, leaderhsip, patients, social skills, respectful manners, over coming fear and doubt. These are some of the topics I have been able to comeup with well wrtiting this. Which shows there is more to the martial arts than simply learning how to punch, kick, block, and strike. I used to think that was all I was here to learn when I was younger, but now I have learnt far more than what I ever thought I could have by simply coming to class twice a week, along with the once a month saturday open training, and every weekend  2nd degree classes. Here is what I can list right now from what learnt from offering myself to the martial arts. Accountability, self-confidence, self-control, patience, kindness, leadership, social skills, manners, how to overcome any mental obstacle. What can you come up with from what you have learnt?


P/up - 3245

S/up - 3085

Sparring: 46

1609km - 57.25km

AoK - 137

Form - 27/12

Msastery - 0


  1. Don’t put off the Mastery requirement; it’s there to help you on your grading year. But it won’t do that if you leave it until the end.

    I’m glad you’re reaping the benefits from Kung Fu. Keep striving.


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